A documentary series telling the stories of different toddler families around the country. From sailing with a five weeks old baby at Helgelandskysten, to taco dinner with eight siblings in Skaun.


Vår familie

Our family



One + One = Eight

A short story about the life of Wenche and Per André and their eight children.


Da vi valgte havet

When we chose the ocean

The story of a sailor family. Øyvind, Sandra and big brother Ferdinand takes five weeks old Julian on his first adventure.

Et helt vanlig liv

An ordinary life

The story of a japanese-norwegian familiy. Lena Iren and Sunao lives an ordinary life with their two girls Saori Ragna and Iori Freja despite of Lenas disabilities.


Alltid pappa

Always dad

The story of the small family of Kai and Maren.

Director: Andreas Bastian Nordberg DOP: Marius Aaserud & Audun Fjeldheim Sound: Vegard Soldal & Olav Friisberg Larsen Edit/grade/sound: Nordisk film Shortcut Oslo Music: Håkon Sollund Creative: Siri Skaustein og Andreas B. Nordberg Client advisor: Øistein F. Engelsen Agency: Manus Oslo Client: Rema 1000 / Lev vel